Friday, 15 March 2013

Priva training with Integro / Connext specialist - Peter Mos

Chisholm Institute are proud to announce a Priva training day with industry specialist Peter Mos.

Peter will be flying from the Netherlands to join us as part of his Australian industry tour, and this year Peter will be delivering this training using the Intégro 730 / Connext 903 software program.
The course will be delivered on Friday the 19th of April, 2013.  

Chisholm's unique training facility will allow participants to learn from Peter as well as being able to view the Priva system on individual computer terminals.

Places are already filling fast, so register your interest with Tony Bundock via e mail at:-

School Based Training for VCE Agriculture and Horticulture

Yesterday we had a party of students from Elisabeth Murdoch College and Woodleigh School attend the glasshouse as part of their VCE Agriculture and Horticulture course curriculum.

The students were looking at technology in growing as well as IPM strategies and general crop growing. The trip allowed them to see first hand how commercial plants are grown, and there was an avalanche of questions from these keen young students.

For many of the students this was their first chance to view the commercial world of glasshouse growing, and hopefully this will inspire them to eneter the industry.

Hygiene protocols was another topic of interest and the students were able to observe this in action as part of their tour!


Thursday, 7 March 2013

Keeping up with the visitors!

One of the big attractions of our glasshouse facility is that we are able to facilitate visits by members of the Horticultural industry and its allied trades to see first hand how such systems operate, and also investigate how they can partner with us to develop training in the industry.. 

In the past few weeks we have had representatives from a number of key players paying us a visit including Priva, Grodan, and EE Muirs to name but a few.

This morning we welcomed Ian Perryman from Agritech, who bought along Johan van der Vyver from International Chemicals Pty Ltd from South Africa. Johan is currently looking at existing cropping techniques and how his company may be able to develop new products to assist the Horticultural industry.

During his time in Australia Johan will be visiting a number of growers in Australia and we hope that he enjoys his time in our great country!

Ian Perryman and Johan van der Vyver